MagSafe iPhone Case

iCharger MagSafe iPhone CaseiCharger MagSafe iPhone Case

iCharger MageSafe Phone Case

The iCharger shockproof MagSafe compatible case can protect your iPhone and you can use it easier with your iCharger or any other MagSafe devices. Our cases are made with high-quality materials and construction, so you know your iPhone is in safe and looks stylish. Plus, our cases are designed to work specifically with the iCharger stations line of products perectly, for the ultimate convenience.

iCharger MagSafe iPhone CaseiCharger MagSafe iPhone Case

- Shockproof but slim and combortable.
- Strong magnet for the safety using when the phone is charge
- 100% original iCharger 
- Stylish
-Due to its unique design, its edges provide exceptional protection for both the display and the camera lens.
-The rigid construction ensures adequate protection of the mobile
-Compatible with modern MagSafe technology
- It has cutouts for various connectors and buttons
-Supports induction charging
-Material: TPU and polycarbonate

iCharger MagSafe iPhone CaseiCharger MagSafe iPhone Case